It has been just about 7 days since I moved into my hostel at the graduate living center in my new university. The room is real spacious with enough storage for two people. Most of the cupboards and the drawers are empty because I travelled light. However, as the day passes, there are more stuff that are being added into my room. They are mainly things that make my life here more comfortable or should I say more "homely". I bought a pair of speakers to broadcast the radio in the background when I study or just cill out. The radio station is called WSB-FM ("B98.5FM"). The slogan goes like "Atlanta's best variety of lite rock, and voted #1 for the most music while you work". It has a great selection of music that suits my taste of music. I also bought a phone to remain contactable. I also stocked up on a lot of food like cereals, pastas and also fresh food like chicken or pork and also vegetables. These are for the dinners that we prepare on a daily basis. A group of guys would gather at one room and cook dinner. Some bring along their dishes and we would all have dinner there together. Tonight we had fried rice and potato stew with chopped onion and carrot. We also had a brocolli cum carrot dish prepare by everyone. We all chipped in to cook. Some do the preparation, some do the cooking and some do the cleaning up. It is great team work that makes it work out well.
Today we also had a special guest who joined the usual gang for dinner. The guest is actually my roommate. He is a graduate student from NUS who is also having an exchange here at georgia tech. It is a coincidence that we are living together in an apartment. He is really a great cook as he has been doing his own meals since a young age. Today he joined in our dinner and prepared two dishes. He cooked what the chines call ‘油菜’or oily vegetable. It is real easy to dish out but it taste great. He also cooked another dish using ‘白菜’stir fried with bacon. It is just delicious!
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